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Implementation of OLSR using 802.11g in UAV Communication Networks
Haque Nawaz, Husnain Mansoor Ali
Citation |
Vol. 18 No. 9 pp. 94-101
The UAVCN (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Communication Networks) is an Emerging technology of adhoc networking which is useful for many military and civilian applications of wireless communication. It resembles like Flying Adhoc Network. Our research intends to study about the UAVCN proactive routing protocols and to develop the test beds to implement the OLSR routing protocol and observe the performance. To accomplish this task the experimental test bed scenarios developed and OLSR routing protocol implemented by using the Wireless LAN physical characteristics 1EEE 802.11g standard using OPNET modeler 14.5 version simulator tool. The scenarios designed with 10 and 20 node density and configured each node with video streaming application. However in this study the network performance and features of OLSR evaluated by altering the number of nodes using same parameters. In this paper, the OLSR protocol implemented and evaluated in terms of OLSR Hello Traffic Sent, OLSR TC Traffic Sent, OLSR Routing Traffic Sent, OLSR Routing Traffic Received, Data Dropped, Network Delay, Network Load, Media Access Delay and Wireless LAN Throughput. The node density impact on the performance of OLSR routing Protocol.
UAV¡¯s, UAVCN, Proactive Routing Protocols, OLSR, OPNET