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An Approach for Enhancing Security of Cloud Data using Cryptography and Steganography with E-LSB Encoding Technique


Mohammad Obaidur Rahman, Muhammad Kamal Hossen, Golam Morsad, Animesh Chandra Roy, and Shahnur Azad Chowdhury


Vol. 18  No. 9  pp. 85-93


Cloud data storage (Storage as a Service) is an important service of cloud computing referred to as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The cloud storage provides data storage facilities as well as sharing across multiple users. Day by day it is gaining popularity because of enormous benefits. But emerging data security and privacy issues have become a subject of primo to the users as well as the service providers. That¡¯s why we proposed a technique for enhancing the security of cloud data using cryptography, steganography, and hash function. For cryptography, we use Blowfish algorithm and for steganography, a new efficient embedded algorithm using Embedded Least Significant Bits (E-LSB), and for integrity checking, we use SHA-256 Hashing Algorithm. This system is implemented in Eclipse using Java. We first encrypt the data and then hide it in an image to fulfill our purpose. As Blowfish [1] is an existing encryption algorithm which is secure enough, so, we just check out the steganography method¡¯s security. After hiding the data in a cover image, data detection and data destruction attacks are applied to evaluate the security of this steganography system. Detection attacks, such as visual attack, RS attack can¡¯t detect any data. In case of destruction attacks, such as jpeg compression, format conversion, salt& pepper, rotation, we got average NC value. So this steganography method is quite sensitive to destruction attack but it is secure in data detection attacks, which is the main purpose of steganography. During quality measurement, we are getting better PSNR value such as after hiding 1KB data in a cover image of size 512x512 pixels, we get PSNR value on average around 63 dB which is better than the previously existing methods.


Cloud data storage, Steganography, Blowfish, Embedded Least Significant Bits (E-LSB), SHA-256