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An Efficient Secure Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Hybrid Approach


Irshad Ullah, Noor ul Amin, Jawaid Iqbal, Muhammad Shahid and Farman Ali


Vol. 18  No. 6  pp. 59-67


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) comprise of independent sensor nodes attached to one or more base stations. Conversely, the applied placement of sensor systems face various challenges enforced by everyday life demands. Wireless sensor nodes have restricted communication resources. Therefore, it is extremely unfavorable to use hard information security techniques. The aim of this paper is to develop an optimal and secure hybrid algorithm to provide secure data transfer and also increase the lifetime of the wireless sensor networks. In symmetric cryptographic algorithms the secure key distribution was a main problem, while asymmetric cryptographic algorithms is more costly for resource constrain environment of WSNs. To resolve these above issues, we encode and decode the messages through Advance Encryption Standard algorithm and securely exchange key using Hyper Elliptic Curve Cryptography (HECC) algorithm. This hybrid cryptographic scheme deeds the benefits of the symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithms and is more secure and suitable for resource constrain environment of WSNs.


Security, Advance Encryption Standard (AES), Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Hyper Elliptic Curve Cryptography (HECC), Communication and computational cost.