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An Analysis of Co-relation between Social Network Citation with H-Index and its Variants


Bilal Ahmad, Ahthasham Sajid, Haque Nawaz, M.M. Rind, Basit Hassan, Abdullah Maitlo, S.A. Ruk


Vol. 18  No. 5  pp. 119-124


Altmetrics is complementary to the traditional bibliographic impact measurement techniques. This study explores the extent to which Altmetrics co-relate with the bibliographic impact measurement techniques: H-index and its variants. Analysis is accomplished based on around 70,000 published papers of 45categories from the field of mathematics. Number of tweets containing title, URL, or DOI of research papers has been compared with the H-index, G-index, HC-index, M-quotient and HW-index of the scholar. Analysis has been done for around 57,155 authors and shows that with the very low twitter citation rate that is 1.47%, almost no correlation exists between Twitter citation data and conventional impact measurement techniques. It implies that the social media metrics (Altmetrics) does not reflect the same kind of metrics as bibliometric indices. It further implies that Altmetrics should also be considered along with bibliometric indices to access an author¡¯s popularity


Altmetrics, Bibliometrics, Co-relation, H-Index variants, Tweetation, Social media Analysis.