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SQL Anomaly Detection and Reconstruction of Queries to Eliminate the Denial of Service
Muhammad Sohaib Yousaf, M. Sheraz Arshad Malik, Muhammad Asif, Farhat Naz, Ijaz Ali Shoukat
Citation |
Vol. 18 No. 5 pp. 109-118
Different access control mechanisms are used to secure the database against an unauthorized access by either an intruder or extruder. Currently employed mechanisms are either orthodox or they failed considerably to secure the database from authorized and malicious users. There were various techniques, employed previously to detect SQL anomalies and to impede the query from execution. Although the solutions were appropriate to some extent, there was no authentic and stubborn shield available to embark a solid resolution against the reconstruction of queries to minimize the occurrence of denial of service DoS. Various reasons are there for the occurrence of denial of service DoS in the database. The DoS may happen when an SQL query is detected as anomalous and intercepted by the database. Things are even embroiled when some process issues a query and waiting for a reply from the database certainly, that process has to wait forever for the response by the database. This situation cannot be justified for the organizations which are working with databases in the real time environments. To overcome the issues of DoS, this work proposes a technique of SQL injection detection and purifies those queries from the malicious codes, usually injected by intruders. This work is formed as the next section represents the introduction, literature review, methodology and finally the references section.
SQL Anomaly DoS Query