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Security Threats and Countermeasures in Software Defined Networks


Adnan Ahmed, Adnan Manzoor, Imtiaz Ali Halepoto, Fizza Abbas, Ubaidullah Rajput


Vol. 18  No. 4  pp. 69-74


Recently, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has been emerged as one of the promising research areas and may possibly act as one of the alternatives of traditional network paradigm. SDN provide valuable capabilities for efficient network management, programmability, control the network and elasticity. However, separating control and data plane expose the SDN to variety of security threats such as DoS attack, misbehavior attacks, man-in-middle, table and buffer overflow attacks. This paper presents the detailed analysis on security threats at each plane such as application, control and data planes thereby also provide countermeasures for various attacks. Moreover, this paper also highlights security challenges in pursuit of present and future directions in SDN.


Network, Software Defined Network, Control Plane, Forwarding Plane, Data Plane, Security