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A Systematic Mapping Study on Touch Classification


Saad Q. Fleh, Oguz Bayat, Saad Al-Azawi, Osman N. Ucan


Vol. 18  No. 3  pp. 7-15


One of the basic interpersonal methods to communicate emotions is through touch. Social touch classification is one of the leading research which has great potential for more improvement. Social touch classification can be beneficial in the much scientific application such as robotics, human-robot interaction, etc.. Each person has the ability to interact with the environment and with other people via touch sensors that are speared over human soma. These touch sensors provide us with the important information about objects such as size, shape, position, surface and their movement. Therefore, the touch system plays the main role in human life from early days. The small gesture can express strong emotion, from the comforting experience of being touched by one's spouse, to the discomfort caused by a touch from a stranger. This paper presents and explains a systematic mapping study on social touch gesture recognition. From various digital libraries, 938 papers in total are collected. After applying three filters, 49 papers as primary studies related to the main topic are selected as listed in Appendix (A). The selected papers classified with respect to several facets. The results provide an overview of the existing relevant studies that are reported in the literature, highlight the focused areas and research gaps.


Systematic mapping studies Systematic Reviews Evidence Based on Human-Robot Interaction.