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Performance Analysis of Geographic Routing Protocol of MANET
Haque Nawaz, Husnain Mansoor Ali, Abdul Sattar Saand, Muhammad Malook Rind, Abdullhah Maitlo, Abdul Hameed Pitafi, Mazhar Ali, Haji Khan Soomro, Imran Khan
Citation |
Vol. 17 No. 11 pp. 156-162
The challenging issues in the Mobile adhoc network technology (MANET) are power and routing. These issues are affecting the performance between devices during communication. The Mobile adhoc network technology is most demanding area of research it is totally centralized control free platform where devices can communicate with each other. However, it is the environment no intermediary access points are required. If any device is far from transmission range than the intermediary devices perform their role of router and forward the traffic towards the designated device. Therefore the communication performance highly mattered. That¡¯s why in this research paper it has been focused that by using WLAN (wireless LAN) technology 802.11a and 802.11g in the mobile adhoc network the performance of GRP routing protocol has been evaluated. The parameters which has been considered as delay, traffic sent, traffic received, traffic load and throughput. The OPNET modeler 14.5 has been used to carried out the performance analysis of GRP in two different wireless LAN environment.
Routing, Protocols, GRP, MANET, Performance