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Integrating Mobile Cloud Computing with Big Data to Enhance Health Care Analytics


Taimur Sajjad, Syed Muhammad Owais, Muhammad Umar and Javed Ferzund


Vol. 17  No. 11  pp. 141-145


Mobile devices are playing a vital role in our daily life and their usage is increasing at a very high rate. These devices have an indispensable part for all genders, in business, education, health and many more. Due to high rate of mobile devices usage, a user also needs extra memory for saving and retrieving data. When mobile devicesconnect with cloud for exchanging data, it is called Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). Health Care applications have been developed using MCC architecture. However, these applications have certain limitations regarding large-scale data analysis. A number of factors affect the health like physiological, psychological, epidemiological, environmental, geographical and genetical etc. Health Care Analytics requires the integration of data from these heterogeneous resources. In this paper, a novel architecture is proposed for enhancing Health Care Analytics. The proposed model combines the advantages of Big Data Tools and MCC for collection, storage, analysis and visualization of Health Care Data.


Mobile Cloud Computing, Big Data, Hadoop, Map Reduce, Health Care.