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Peer and File Sizes Distributions for Energy Efficient Bit Torrent Networks
Sharjeel Afridi, Abdul Rehman Gilal, Shahnawaz Shah, Muhammad Yameen Sandhu
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Vol. 17 No. 11 pp. 96-102
Information and Communication networks are expanding rapidly as the internet coverage and capacity increases. Two main players of content distribution networks: Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and Client server are utilizing the great chunk of energy consumption. In this paper, we study the impact of different swarm sizes and different file size distributions on the energy consumption of P2P Bit Torrent networks by developing a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model. Realistic data are used for the analysis of energy consumption of Bit Torrent network. Results indicate that the average file size to be shared on the network rather than the distribution, decides the overall energy consumption trends. It is also found that the energy consumption of energy efficient Bit Torrent networks do not increase linearly with the swarm size as the locality play an important role in limiting the growth of network cross traffic. Simulated results show the locality also reduces the energy consumption as we increase the peer size per swarm.
Bit Torrent, Mixed Integer linear programming, locality, P2P