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Fog Computing: A Short Review of Concept and Applications


Babak Bashari Rad, Ali Aseel Shareef


Vol. 17  No. 11  pp. 68-74


Internet of Things (IoT) makes electronic devices, appliances, medical devices, cameras, sensors, vehicles, as a part of the Internet enabling for smart cities and infrastructure. By the year 2020, it is estimated that 50 billion IoT devices will be connected to Internet. The IoT devices will produce unprecedented volume of data that could be difficult for traditional system and cloud systems to manage. Fog computing is designed to overcome the limitations in the current systems. Fog provides storage, compute, data and application services similar to the cloud computing, at the edge of the network. This paper argues the characteristics that make Fog computing a suitable platform for IoT along with the definitions, applications and related works in Fog and IoT area.


Fog Computing, Internet of Things, IoT, Cloud Computing.