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Query Translation Methods to Enhance Arabic Information Retrieval


Awni Hammouri


Vol. 17  No. 11  pp. 40-44


Remarkable developments in Information Storage and retrieval technologies have driven the need for information to be retrieved in any language. A rich user experience demands that the Information search isn¡¯t language dependent. The predominant language over the web still being English, the goal here is to retrieve information written in a language other than the queried language i e, Cross Language Information Retrieval (CLIR). CLIR enhances the capacity of search and retrieval technologies resulting in an enhanced user experience. CLIR relies on various translation techniques to retrieve information. Highly malleable languages like Arabic consistently challenge these translational techniques to a great extent. In this study, an overview of cross language information retrieval techniques based on Arabic is presented and its impact on Arabic CLIR schemes is objectively evaluated.


Cross-language information retrieval, complex morphology stemming stopwords removal Parallel Corpora-Based Approach