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Development of software metrics for improving the quality of the under graduate student projects in computer science /information science/information technology/computer engineering
Saravanan Venkataraman Tirumalai, Abdullah Al Hussein, Manjunatha Siddappa Lakshmana
Citation |
Vol. 17 No. 10 pp. 212-222
At present, many Universities educates good number of undergraduates in field of Computer Science/Information Sciences/Information Technology/Computer Engineering across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The students¡¯ carryout the graduation project as a part of study plan in the curriculum. Most of the Universities offer the graduate project in last two semester of the program. However, the quality of the student projects is of greater concern in prospective of entrepreneurship or good job in software industry. In general, most of the students do not take the project work seriously and end up with low quality. This may leads to the students with surficial knowledge in the subject and find difficult in getting a suitable job in the industry. This research project measures the quality of the graduate project by introducing a software metrics tool to be followed by the instructor as the work progresses by the student. 44 software metrics were developed and tested with a prototype. These metrics are attached with the under graduate student projects for evaluation. This model allows the student to carry out more quality works and thereby increase the knowledge level that leads to better job prospects
Software Metrics, Student Project, Recommendation System