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Security and Safety Concerns: Username and Password Paradigm


Rehan Ullah Khan and Waleed Albattah


Vol. 17  No. 10  pp. 145-152


Usernames and password-based login are one of the widely used approaches to authentication for accessing information resources. In this paper, we analyze millions of usernames and passwords, by investigating common words, density, numbers, special characters, strength and society related parameters. The results shed valuable light on the way we select passwords and that we ignore the fact that our passwords can be easily cracked or guessed by foes or hacker. As a contribution to this area, it educates the masses of how a hacker could easily predict and possibly crack the passwords. It also enables users to be more vigilant while using the online resources and cloud services based on usernames and password authentication. By studying and analyzing common words, density, numbers, special characters, strength, and society related parameters, we believe that the in-depth analysis provides sufficient useful information related to passwords selection and thus millions of minds and individual behaviors in online and offline passwords based systems. Thus, the results and the recommendations are a valuable contribution of this article and augment the state-of-the-art.


Password, Authentication, Security, Online resources