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On a construction and a highly effective update method for the consistency in structured p2p systems


Hong Minh Nguyen, Xuan Huy Nguyen, Ha Huy Cuong Nguyen


Vol. 17  No. 9  pp. 151-158


Many replicas are distributed of an object sharing be processed by the independent users (replica nodes), which leads to inconsistency. The authors propose a new efficient solution to construct a tree and an update propagation method for each data sharing on distributed applications in the structured p2p substrate. In these trees, the replica nodes are linked logically as close together to increase communication efficiency and performance of optimal replication base on the update rate, thus enhancing the availability of data, so reducing of latency update and increasing the ratio of a successful update of generated replicas. The proposed method has been experimented by using the OverSim simulation to prove the effectiveness and comparing with existing solutions.


structured p2p substrate data consistency replica replica node update tree.