Online training using computer-based tools such as the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has become an essential learning method for remote training, whether for the individual, the professional or even the student. These courses are free and open to all, which is likely to have a large number of registrants and thereafter it is difficult to follow them on the supervision side by the teaching staff, therefore a small percentage of participants in a MOOC validates their training. On the same model as the MOOCs, the SPOCs (Small Private Online Courses) differ at the targeted public level, they are not open to all but deliberately limited to a reduced number which is easy to follow and coach for more efficiency. In this article, we will develop, experiment and evaluate a SPOC, complement of face-to-face courses, by developing a platform of creation and management of the SPOC called ""CloudSPOC"". This is a SPOC on the IPv6 protocol, giving interactive scripted content (courses, tutorials, tests, workshops and remedies), intended for students of ""Masters"" or more and this in order to: 1) Identify learning disabilities for these students 2) Look for ways to improve this SPOC / device through the implementation of new modes and / or learning scenarios.