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RGB Histogram-Based Filtration to Enhance the Accuracy of Automatic License Plate Recognition


Lama Alkhaled and Babak Basharirad


Vol. 17  No. 8  pp. 42-45


This paper proposes a technique to filter out the false negative detection of license plate caused by using edge algorithm to specifying the targeting areas. The proposed technique implements filters bases on the histogram value for the three main channels of the image (RGB). The paper consists of the following three main stages: (a) Detection based on edge detecting method, (b) calculating the histogram values of RGB color model, and (c) finally, verifying and detecting valid license plate regions by applying different histogram- based rules on features extracted out from the calculated histogram values. Experimental results show that the proposed method is very effective in assisting to neglect many noises caused by different conditions such as poor illumination and varied weather


License Plate Detection (LPD), Histogram Distribution, Detection Accuracy, False Rejection Rate (FRR)