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Evaluating Major Issues Regarding Reliability Management for Cloud-based Applications


Babak Bashari Rad, Pouya Ataei


Vol. 17  No. 7  pp. 168-173


Cloud computing, as a prominent and promising solution to many existing business needs, is expanding at thrilling speed. Thereupon, Cloud providers are continually progressing to provide with more complex services, and request handling approaches. This was due to the growing need in the market, as there is a movement from traditional monolithic applications to an increased composition of micro-services. Increased complexity on the grounds of deployment and runtime management has resulted in inevitable occurrences of failure, which has paid off with declining reliability over the Cloud. Along these lines, it becomes necessary to evaluate major issues regarding reliability management on the Cloud. These issues will guide on how to improve reliability management for cloud applications. On the grounds of the Cloud, an inherently unreliable environment, it is always challenging to ensure a continuous reliability. In this paper, major issues regarding reliability over the cloud, root causes, taxonomies of major failure subjects, with provided recommendation on further research and solution to address such problems will be discussed.


Cloud Computing, Reliability Management, Orchestration, Cloud Service, Fault Tolerance, Network Resource