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Internet of Things: Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges


Babak Bashari Rad and Harith Abdilaziz Ahmada


Vol. 17  No. 7  pp. 89-95


Internet of things (IOT) is a disruptive technological innovation, anticipated for future information technology integration and optimization. The trends of this technology is very wide, covering all major industries and business sectors. However, the perceived adoption and diffusion of the technologies have not yet been achieved. There is still devoid of acknowledgment about IOT and clarification on how different industries can adopt it for their benefits. To understand IOT operations, trends, opportunities, challenges and be able to provide reliable guidelines for potential adaptors of IOT technology, this study focused on the value created by IOT technologies, targeting on the application of IOT technologies in different industries, and explores the opportunities and challenges of IOT adoption in major global industries. The results obtain from the research, provided a holistic overview to understand IOT implementation and utilization in various industries across different regions of the globe.


Internet of Things, IoT challenges, IoT Trends, IoT Opportunities, Wearable.