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Analysis of issues and trends in Big Data Platforms
Muzamil Mehboob, Maruf Pasha, S. M. Waqas Shah and Urooj Pasha
Citation |
Vol. 17 No. 7 pp. 72-79
In this paper, we discuss the Big Data issues and related solutions in market. We are living in an era where of utmost importance. Due to emergence of new technologies in recent years, data production is also increased for example IOT technology. Internet of things technology created a data production opportunity for every device in the world. We also see that different organizations are also using their raw data for statistical purposes as it is helping in predicting customer¡¯s behavior and market trends. Use of social network sites is also increased in past few years. Social sites are producing a large amount of big data that is not useful every time so to make sense of this useless data is a big challenge. In business perspective it is also important to know whether storing, managing and describing this raw data is useful in terms of business output or not. Different techniques and tools are being used to manage and understanding the big data. Map Reduce and Hadoop are well known in BigData market. We also presented big data production trends since last few years and new challenges to big data. We also lined up some big data solutions in market with some features that can be helpful for big data implementation for a business organization. We also conducted a test using different frameworks and presented the results. We also presented some good practices for big data implementation to achieve high business goals.
Big Data, Data Mining, Map Reduce, Hadoop, Database, GridGain, HazelCast, DAC