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Centroid Energy-Based Sleep Scheduling Design in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks using Evolutionary Algorithms


Seyed Mojtaba Hosseinirad¢Ó


Vol. 17  No. 6  pp. 171-184


A wireless sensor network (WSN) contains hundreds or even thousands of small sensor nodes constructed in the welfare environment. Due to the resource constraints, energy is an important issue in a WSN. Therefore, increasing the network lifetime through the energy conservation with implementing different protocols and algorithms is desirable. Applying the different sleep scheduling algorithms in densely deployed WSN leads to an efficient energy conservation. Most introduced WSNs¡¯ sleep scheduling algorithms operate based on the local approach regardless of the other important network parameters. In this paper, regarding the most important WSN¡¯s parameters, a centroid energy-based sleep scheduling algorithm (CESS) using evolutionary algorithms is proposed. The results demonstrate the CESS-GA performance is more successful in providing the maximum network coverage, reducing the efficient data redundancy and utilizing a minimum number of living sensors in comparison with that of the CESS-ICA and CESS-PSO. Using 28.3% of living sensors with the highest residual battery and efficient data redundancy reduction, the maximum coverage of the network is obtained. Due to the lack of any similar research, to check the accuracy of the proposed method, its output is applied on the LEACH and SEP (CESS-LEATCH and CESS-SEP), two different homogeneous and heterogeneous algorithms, as an initiation phase input. The network lifetime is increased significantly five times as much, and the maximum network coverage is obtained without any change in routines of the LEACH and SEP algorithms.


Sleep scheduling, wireless sensor network, LEACH, SEP, energy conservation.