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A Method to Detect SMTP Flood Attacks using FlowIDS Framework


Mohd Zafran Abdul Aziz, and Koji Okamura


Vol. 17  No. 6  pp. 14-21


This publication presents a framework to detect SMTP Flood attacks on SDN-based platforms such as ONOS. We have revisited the SMTP security issues as well as the proposed solutions to overcome or mitigate the SMTP Flood attacks. ONOS offers network abstraction management as well as a centralized security solution for the SMTP attack detection and prevention. Due to robustness and flexibility of the ONOS, we have proposed FlowIDS as a subsystem that can be used to detect anomaly on SMTP traffic flows. The novelty of the FlowIDS is the detection method, whereby this work has introduced a flow based attack detection of SMTP traffic flows. It can be integrated with the existing network security systems such as firewall, IDS, SDN controller and ONOS applications. The experiment results have shown that the proposed FlowIDS has provided a significance contribution in detecting and preventing SMTP flow attacks on SDN domains. It also provides a quick detection and mitigation on SMTP server by reducing the bandwidth consumption because of the attack traffic flows can be dropped at the early stage of attacks.


SDN, SMTP, Spam, OpenFlow, Security, ONOS, Anomaly Detection , SMTP Flood Attack