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Secure Information Exchange of Patient¡¯s Health Records Using Anonymization Techniques


Saman Hina, Hafiz Muhammad Anas A. Wahab, Raheela Asif, Sheikh Muhammad Uzair, Waqar Mansoor, Muhammad Sufyian and Farrukh Ahmed


Vol. 17  No. 5  pp. 182-186


In developing countries, data used for research is not considered as an option of risk of leaking important personal information. This act should be considered as highly unethical if conducted in the research domain. This paper focuses on securing patient¡¯s health records before using it for research purposes. The presented system is developed for the identification and classification of potential information that can identify any individual. After the identification of information and their classification with respective categories, this system developed using an open sources platform, is able to de-identify each single entity by replacing it with their respective categories. The presented system has been successfully validated by domain experts and tested on different test cases


De-identification patient records NLP