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Enhancing Pipeline Network Performance Using Dual Interleaving Cluster Head Routing Protocol


Siva Kumar Subramaniam, Shariq Mahmood Khan, Najeed Ahmed Khan


Vol. 17  No. 4  pp. 284-291


Remote monitoring of oil and gas pipelines has been the most prevalent application of static wireless sensor network (WSN). WSN has a great potential in facilitating real-time data transfer between sensor nodes and a centralise monitoring station. For pipeline WSN, network performance is critical among sensor nodes in a linear chain topology. Expanding the communication range by increasing number of nodes in a linear architecture compromises the performance of WSN. Thus, WSN results in a severe impact on low throughput, high latency, poor delivery ratio, high energy consumption and network inequality. In this paper, we proposed Dual Interleaving Cluster Head Linear Static Routing Protocol (DICH-LSRP), a routing protocol for cluster-based topology. DICH-LSRP in a pipeline simulation environment were evaluated with compliance to IEEE 802.11 standard on impending factors of WSN performance. The simulation results help to better understand some key areas of WSN performance metrics and the implementation of DICH-LSRP in a multi-hop linear topology.


Linear topology, pipeline network, static routing, TCP performance, static wireless sensor network