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A Survey on Security Architecture and Key Management Systems in a Wireless Sensor Network


Sunil Kumar, C. Rama Krishna and A. K. Solanki


Vol. 17  No. 4  pp. 263-273


With the enhancement of digital communication, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) use various security techniques to offer infrastructure secure data transmission. Conversion of data files into different format using cryptography, hash function and pattern generation techniques are the common practices to facilitate high data security. Mostly, such transformations as well as retrieval of original information rely on symmetric or asymmetric key pairs. Together with the advancement of security approaches, distinct successful or unsuccessful efforts have been made by numerous illicit third parties to assess the transmitted data and secret keys unethically, disturb the transmission process or distort the transmitted data and keys. Seldom, the limitations of communication channel, transmitting and receiving devices play an important role to dilute data security. Hence, in this paper we review the existing data security architecture and key management system in WSN. Based on this review and current security gaps, this paper suggests a probable integrated solution for secure transmission of data and secret keys to address these limitations.


Cryptography, hash function, pattern generation, symmetric/asymmetric key, data security architecture, key management system.