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Security Issues and Solutions related to Data Aggregation Process in WSN


Cherif Diallo


Vol. 17  No. 4  pp. 59-71


In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), the nodes are often deployed to collect environmental data related to some particular relevant events. The collected data are then sent to a sink node or a base station following operations aimed at optimizing critical network resources such as storage, computing capacities and bandwidth. However, sensors have low processing and storage capabilities, small bandwidth and relatively low energetic resources. Thus, data aggregation is one of the most powerful techniques used to optimize sensor resources. Instead of sending data directly to the base station, the sensors send it first to an aggregation node that will compute a summary avoiding then redundant data and reducing the number of transmissions. During the data aggregation process, several attacks exploiting network vulnerabilities and weaknesses threaten sensor applications. In this paper we will give an overview study of the data aggregation process security issues and solutions in WSNs.


Wireless Sensor Networks, Data Aggregation, Security, Cryptography.