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Survey on Security Issues Techniques Used in Data Warehouses


Mayada J. AlMeghari


Vol. 17  No. 3  pp. 236-243


Currently, the exponential growth of the number of Internet users generates huge amounts of databases integrated in Data Warehouses (DWs). The confidential data of business or finance is basic data stored in DWs. Therefore, the problem of keeping data security safe is the biggest risk that faces DWs. This paper shows the common DW security approaches proposed nowadays, covered in two categories. The first category presents some of the approaches ensuring the two major security issues in DWs such as confidentiality and integrity. Because of encryption of a huge amount of query data from DWs making overheads in network, the security of DW plus maintaining high performance has become a necessity for organizations. The second category presents some DW approaches for ensuring data availability by using middleware to obtain high performance. Finally, this paper compares and evaluates the presented DW security approaches of the two categories based on our comparison factors.


Data Warehouse, Confidentiality, Privacy, Integrity, Information Security, Middleware