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Designing and construction of an infrared scene generator for using in the hardware-in-the-loop simulator


Mehdi Asghari Asl, Ali Reza Erfanian


Vol. 17  No. 3  pp. 124-132


One of the main components of the hardware in the loop simulator system is the infrared scene generator. The generator produces thermal images using heated elements. In this study, an infrared scene generator has been designed and constructed to use in the hardware in the loop simulator. After completion of the construction, patterns and images have been sent to infrared scene generator to be tested. These images have been displayed by infrared scene generator. It is one of the strengths of this design to construct the infrared scene generator as fixed. The average cooling time for infrared images in this generator is 180s. Error of the infrared scene generator was investigated and its error function was obtained. The result was that increasing the average brightness, the error of the generator will increases. Minimum PSNR for each pixel is 37/2dB.


Infrared scene generator, hardware in the loop, infrared seeker, FPGA, generator error