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Investigate the Main Factors That Influence the Consumers' Intention to Adopt Mobile Commerce an Empirical Study


Mohammad Shkoukani


Vol. 17  No. 3  pp. 112-116


Wireless communication had attracted many researchers to write about and study it in depth. Although many empirical studies had been conducted in this field in order to collect and analyze data related to that field, but the main problem is the absent clear results in this field. This paper presents a proposed model that can be used by researcher in order to collect actual and real data about factors that predict consumer intention to adopt m-commerce. The proposed model is composed of three types of variables, the first type is independent variables, the second type is the dependent variable, and the third type is moderate variable. The dependent variable is consumers¡¯ intention to adopt m-commerce. The independent variables are trust, cost, social influence, variety of services, and perceived usefulness, ease of use, and the moderate variable is the age, gender, and education level. Data was collected from 355 respondents by using a questionnaire. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between (trust, cost, social influence, variety of services, age) and consumers' decision to m-commerce adoption. It also showed that there is no significant relationship between (ease of use, perceived usefulness, gender, education) and consumers¡¯ intention to adopt m-commerce.


M-Commerce, Mobile Applications, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Adoption.