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SAQ-2HN: A Novel SDN-Based Architecture for the Management of Quality of Service in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
Azeddine KHIAT, Ayoub BAHNASSE, Mohamed EL KHAILI, Jamila BAKKOURY
Citation |
Vol. 17 No. 3 pp. 55-64
Quality of service (QoS) is a major concern for most network administrators. However, QoS requires an implementation of policies, which are often static. This approach is not flexible with the diversity of user services and their varying needs in terms of network resources.
The Software Defined Network (SDN) approach addresses this issue, by bringing to the classical networks the intelligence of the dynamic and intelligent readjustment of the QoS in order to respect the service level agreement.
In this paper we propose an extensible SDN architecture for the intelligent, dynamic and adaptive management of QoS in a heterogeneous or homogeneous wireless network.
The results of the simulation of our architecture show its effectiveness in various applications (Web-based and real-time) compared to traditional solutions.
SDN, QoS, Handover, Heterogeneous Networks, Homogeneous Networks, Wireless, WiMAX, WiFi.