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Application Software for Analyzing the Dynamic Stability of Hydro-aggregates
Iulian B?RBOIANU, Mircea GRIGORIU, Marius Constantin POPESCU
Citation |
Vol. 17 No. 2 pp.
At the Hydro-electric Power Plant R?ul Mare-Retezat from Romania, there occurred a short-circuit to the poles 1 and 12 which caused the increase of the vibrations and temperatures above the allowed limit and the hydro-aggregate was taken out of function for investigation. To identify the increase of the vibrations during the commencement and to locate the defect there was used an acquisition equipment National Instruments and absolute vibration transducers type accelerometer. The technical status of the hydro-aggregate is considered accurate when the energetic level of the rotor assembly in motion is steady. The energetic steadiness of the rotor in motion is depending on the steadiness of the motor couple of the turbine which is given only by the actuating tangential forces. Under the terms when besides the useful tangential forces there also occur disturbing forces on radial direction, these shall disturb the rotor dynamics with consequences which sometimes may lead to very serious damage. The measurements, checking and analysis of the results, during a magnetic unbalance appeared to the hydro-generator from the Hydro-electric Power Plant Raul Mare Retezat, are described in this paper.
Application software, Performance analysis, Stability analysis, Turbogenerators, Dynamic echilibru