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Security Issues Related To E-Learning Education
Andrei Marius GABOR, Marius Constantin POPESCU, Antoanela NAAJI,
Citation |
Vol. 17 No. 1 pp. 60-66
E-learning is the answer to the new challenges of online education, involving the interaction between teachers or trainers and learners. An e-learning platform is a web-based software application, depending on the utilized technology and Internet environment. Due to the close connection between e-learning platforms and the web, platforms are threatened and vulnerable to various cyber-attacks. As a measure to block unauthorized access to e-learning systems, choosing a strong password is a first protective obstacle. The paper is focused on security issues in e-learning platforms and proposes an algorithm that generates strong passwords to secure personal data, while offering the possibility to check the strength of the generated password.
brute force attack, E-leaning, security, Moodle, vulnerabilities.