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Prioritize E-Government Strategies Using SWOT-Ranked Voting Analysis Technique: The Case of Jordan


Yousef Elsheikh, Mohammad Azzeh


Vol. 17  No. 1  pp. 1-7


Studies performed on the factors and strategies that affect the success of e-government programs around the world are many and varied. But many of those studies ignored the implementation mechanism of the factors and strategies explored in different contexts, including Jordan, to ensure the success of these programs there. Jordan is currently working hard to capture this opportunity through action plans to overcome the economic, social and managerial problems, which may affect the effectiveness of the implementation. Despite these efforts, there is still a lag in performance for lack of identification and also give importance to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) in the implementation of the program at the national level on the one hand, and on the other hand, the evaluation and ranking of the strategies developed for e-government program depending on the SWOT analysis at the same level. In this paper, SWOT-Ranked voting (Borda count method) was used to achieve this task. Ranked voting theory (also called preferential voting approach) is a measure of individual interests and preferences as an aggregate towards a collective decision. Voters can rank potential candidates in order of their preferences and some aggregating rules are then used to find the winner or group of winners among the various candidates. E-government strategies have been evaluated and prioritized with the participation of 20 experts in the experiment who have experience in such large scale programs to ensure its success in the context under investigation. Kendall tau rank correlation coefficient was also used to measure the ordinal association (similarity) between the rankings that have been obtained as a result of the experiment, and those that have been observed by the experts.


E-government SWOT Ranked-voting Borda count, Strategic planning Correlation analysis Jordan