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Comparing the Methods of Creating Educational Timetable


Vahideh Sahargahi, Mohammadreza Feizi Drakhshi


Vol. 16  No. 12  pp. 26-36


The problem of creating educational timetable is one of the NP-Complete problems to which many solutions have been introduced in various studies. Nowadays there are intelligent methods based on evolutionary algorithms which are used for timetabling problems. Some of such methods are sectionicle swarm optimization (PSO), the memetic algorithm, fuzzy systems, the harmony search, and ant colony optimization. One of the most important challenges, dealt with in this paper, is to determine which one of these methods could be highly efficient to create an educational timetable. For this purpose, different concepts such as limitations, methods of showing timetables, and databases with various sizes and properties should be considered. These concepts were comprehensively introduced and discussed in this paper. There are many barriers to the accurate comparison of methods for creating educational timetables. Dealing with such problems, this paper compared some of these methods briefly. Given the previous studies, it can be stated that hybrid methods are more efficient than not hybrid ones. Comparing different methods, it is worth mentioning that the memetic algorithm and PSO were more efficient than the genetic algorithm while honey bee mating optimization algorithm indicated a better performance than the genetic, memetic, and ant colony optimization algorithms. Moreover, the harmony search method was more efficient than most of the abovementioned methods such as ant colony optimization, fuzzy method, the memetic and genetic algorithms.


Educational Timetable, Evolutionary Algorithms, Hard and Soft Limitations