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Color Image Encryption using 3D Chaotic Map with AES key Dependent S-Box
Ashwak Mahmmod Alabaichi
Citation |
Vol. 16 No. 10 pp. 105-115
Techniques in encrypting digital images play a crucial role in the prevention of unauthorized access. This paper, focuses on color image encryption and decryption using 3D chaotic map with AES key dependent S-Boxes. It contains four major parts which are Exclusive X-or forward and backward, 3D Logistic Map, 3D Chebyshev map, and 2D Arnold Cat Map, and Dynamic S-box of AES. Here, Exclusive X-or is used for image diffusing. 3D Logistic Map is employed for the generation of secret keys for the purpose of scrambling the image. 3D Chebyshev map is engaged for the generation secret keys for the purpose of diffusing the image. 2D Arnold Cat Map is utilized to scramble the coordinate values of AES S-Box to make it secret. The image is then substituted in the S-box. All these parts are to satisfy the high security level of the encrypted image. The suggestion algorithm is strictly tested using different criteria such as NPCR, UACI, Correlation Confection, Information Entropy, Histogram, MES, and Key sensitivity analysis. From the result it can be observed that the suggested algorithm shows good result in NPCR, UACI, Correlation Confection, Information Entropy, Histogram, MES, and Key sensitivity analysis. This means the proposed algorithm is resistant to different types of attacks. MATALAB programming (Mathworks R2012a) is used in the implementation of the proposed algorithm.
Chaotic map, 2D Arnold Cat Map, 3D logistic map, 3D Chebyshev map, AES key Dependent S-Boxes, NPCR, UACI, Correlation Confection, Information Entropy, Histogram, MES, and Key sensitivity analysis.