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User profile construction for personalized access to multiple data sources through matrix completion method
Citation |
Vol. 16 No. 10 pp. 51-57
Current information systems provide transparent access to multiple, distributed, autonomous and potentially redundant data sources based on a mediation architecture. Their users may not know the sources they questioned, nor their description and content. Consequently, their queries reflect no more a need that must be satisfied but an intention that must be refined based on data sources available at the time of interrogation. The purpose of the personalization is to facilitate the expression of user needs. It allows him to obtain relevant information by maximizing the exploitation of his preferences grouped in his profile.
In a mediation architecture context, based on the couple mediator-adapter, the personalization process must consider not only the users' profiles but also the semantic description of data sources defined by mediation requests. The mediator solves the problems associated with heterogeneity while adapters describe the available data sources at the time of interrogation. The key for a successful personalized access to multiple data sources lies in a good construction of the user profile. In our work, we propose a virtual integration system founded on ontologies. These ontologies provide a consensual terminology between the multiple data sources integrated. In addition, we adopt a matrix completion method to ensure an automatic and efficient process for the construction of users¡¯ profiles.
Personalization, User profile, Matrix completion, Mediation architecture, Interoperability.