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Resource discovery in Grid computing using Fuzzy Logic and Tabu Table


Afsaneh Zargar Nasrollahi, Ali Asghar Pourhaji Kazem


Vol. 16  No. 9  pp. 61-68


Resource discovery is a very important task in Grid environments. Grid technologies enable us to share the distributed resources. For using these resources what will be needed are the resource management systems. The resource management discovers the resources to obtain some information about the resources and therefore, because of the complex and dynamic nature of the Grid resources, the issue of resource discovery and sharing has been emerged out. In this paper, an approach has been introduced for the resource discovery with implications for searching efficient resources using fuzzy logic and taboo table. The resource discovery starts with the network request to find appropriate resources in the Grid. The discovery process is very vital and critical in the management and allocation of resources. Proposed approach have been simulated in Matlab environment and the comparison of obtained results to other approaches indicates the efficiency of proposed resource discovery.


Resource Discovery, Resource Sharing, Efficient Resources, the Fuzzy Logic