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Cloud Computing National e-health services: Data Center Solution Architecture


Abdel Rahman Alzoubaidi


Vol. 16  No. 9  pp. 1-6


The global economic crisis has affected the health sector. ??he costs of healthcare services rise and healthcare professionals are becoming scarce and hard to find, it is imminent that healthcare organizations consider adopting health information technology (HIT) systems. Healthcare professionals must have all the information they require to make prompt patient-care decisions. The growing of mobility connections, people can access all the resources hosted in the cloud any time using any device. The adoption of Cloud Computing in healthcare system for delivering health information and services, driven by the fact that healthcare services in Jordan are almost provided manually from tools to technologies, the growth of inhabitants and refugees crisis, healthcare stakeholders ICT consciousness, and the technical challenges and delays faces the implementation e-Healthcare system. The different problems concerning the managerial, administrative and management aspects, to the concern of physician or researcher, that necessities the infrastructure to process, store, manage patient data, analysis, diagnosis, and so on. Cloud computing is a significant alternative to solve many of these problems providing several advantages in terms of resource management and computational capabilities. In this paper we propose a national cloud computing data centers architecture solution to host healthcare system services computing resources components, proposing building a national e-health cloud environment to overcome many of the challenges confronting the success of Hakeem the core of the National e-Health System (NHS) for the provision of e-Health as a Service.


National eHealth, Cloud computing, eHealth Services, Cloud Internetwork, Information Technologies