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Wi-Pi: a study of WLAN security in Auckland City
Ar Kar Kyaw, Zhuang Tian, Brian Cusack
Citation |
Vol. 16 No. 8 pp. 68-80
The inherent nature of wireless networks exposes them to cyber threats. To keep this critical technology from attacks, advancements in security standards demand simultaneous outspread of their awareness among people. Periodic evaluation of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) security status in any given region recognizes the awareness trends and sets directions for concerned authorities. This research studies the prevailing security practices of WLANs in Auckland city, to describe the course of their alertness with respect to similar studies done in 2007 and 2013. Raspberry Pi 2 Model B is used for research to provide a basis for comparison and reference for future relevant studies. The results are significant from commercial perspective.
Warwalking, Wi-Pi, Raspberry Pi, wireless security.