In the 21st century due to the Technological advancements the modes of operation of service and business sector have been changed drastically. In the same way the health sectors activities also have been altered, new methods and techniques have also been devised for the treatment of the patients that were never even thought before. In the health sector telemedicine is one of the developments which were experienced lately. In the industrialized world telemedicine is being used in full capacity to provide the medical/health care services to remote and un accessible areas. But telemedicine is not very popular and admired in Pakistan, few applications are being functional presently. The main purpose of this research study is to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of telemedicine applications which are currently exist in Pakistan, its usability, acceptance and to forecast the future perspective which may hold in Pakistan. The purpose of this research is also to find the reasons of unpopularity of telemedicine applications in Pakistan, and recommend the action plans that must be taken for its spread awareness regarding the quality of health care improvement in Pakistan. As per the findings of a survey study the physicians who were practicing in the public tertiary hospitals in Pakistan has suggested that the self-efficacy, ease of use and perceived usefulness are very important factors for their acceptance of telemedicine technology. Similarly, a survey conducted with hospital executive officers, chiefs of service and center directors of selected Pakistan public healthcare establishments indicated that service needs, attitudes of medical staff, and the technology's benefits, risks and compatibility were essential to organizational technology adoption. In addition, results of an evaluative experimental study showed that the clinical decision making of physicians can be improved through use of appropriate telemedicine technology.
Quality of Service, Telemedicine System, Medical/Health Care, Tele health / Telecare, Engineering Management (EM).