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The arts of Knowledge Transfer in Virtual Organization: Tacit Knowledge


Ayuffeirah Mislan, Mohd Sazili Sahibi, Adnan Jamaluddin, Ahmad Sufi Alawi Idris, Nani Hartina Ahmad


Vol. 16  No. 4  pp. 49-55


Knowledge transfer in organization has great benefits on organization performances. However since the environment changed recently, the structure of organization also changed from a firm organization into virtual organization. The operation and functions of new form organization changed and depends on the Information Communication Technology (ICT). The increased use of ICT in virtual organization is to bridge the distance gap between people works within these types of organizations. Since the gap was connected, the transfer of knowledge among workers could be considered as an easier and also difficult process to be transferred. The kind of knowledge transfer could be varied depends on the types of knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to explore the arts of transferring process by virtual organization workers either the manipulation of social media been used by them as an effective medium or other medium are flexible used by workers. The paper also suggests the ideas to reduce barriers and facilitate transfer in virtual organization


Knowledge transfer, Virtual organization, ICT, Tacit knowledge