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Improving Brightness using Dynamic Fuzzy Histogram Equalization using Gaussion Membership Function


Mahendra PS Kuber, Manish Dixit


Vol. 16  No. 3  pp. 78-83


this paper proposes a novel modification of the brightness preserving dynamic histogram equalization technique to improve its brightness preserving and contrast enhancement abilities while reducing its computational complexity. The modified technique, called Brightness Preserving Dynamic Fuzzy Histogram Equalization (BPDFHE1), uses fuzzy statistics of digital images for their representation and processing. Representation and processing of images in the fuzzy domain enables the technique to handle the inexactness of gray level values in a better way, resulting in improved performance. In this paper algorithm is proposed BPDHE using Gaussion Membership Function . This algorithm enhances image contrast as well as preserves the brightness very effectively. Some images are not available to good quality, so proposed Fuzzy algorithm can be used for image enhancement to improve the quality of the image.


Fuzzy sets, image enhancement, image processing, histogram equalization