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A Comprehensive Study of Text Mining Approach
Abhishek Kaushik, Sudhanshu Naithani
Citation |
Vol. 16 No. 2 pp. 69-76
Text mining or knowledge discovery is that sub process of data mining, which is widely being used to discover hidden patterns and significant information from the huge amount of unstructured written material. The proliferation of clouds, research and technologies are responsible for the creation of vast volumes of data. This kind of data cannot be used until or unless specific information or pattern is discovered. For this text mining uses techniques of different fields like machine learning, visualization, case-based reasoning, text analysis, database technology statistics, knowledge management, natural language processing and information retrieval. Text mining is largely growing field of computer science simultaneously to big data and artificial intelligence. This paper contains the review of text mining techniques, tools and various applications.
Text Mining, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Visualization, Text Analysis.