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A confined strategy to analyze the lifetime of sensor nodes for multihop WSN


A.Keerthivenkateshkumar, E.Baburaj


Vol. 16  No. 2  pp. 1-5


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is nowadays gaining a great popularity based on the increase in semiconductor technology. From daily life activities to military services this increase leads to greater uplift in the technology with efficiency and manufacturing cost. The success of the WSNs is determined mainly based on two factors they are network lifetime and sensing coverage. The network lifetime is characterized by the energy optimization of the sensor systems and the sensing coverage is qualified by the data collection process from the target that directly affects the network traffic. In this paper the network lifetime mathematical queuing model to find an optimal solution of energy Consumption is analyzed. Through an extensive simulation results show that the proposed model has good performances in the aspects of energy consumption and efficiency of the system network to prolong the system life time. Finally it is shown that as the network lifetime improves, the percentage energy consumption reduces with increase in the total number of hops and attains a minimum value at critical hops. After the critical hops, the energy consumption gradually improves due to change in cumulative energy consumption of the midway nodes.


Wireless Sensor Networks, optimal energy balancing, queuing theory, critical hops.