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A Novel CT Scan Images Watermarking Scheme in DWT Transform Coefficients


Muath AlShaikh, Lamri Laouamer, Laurent Nana, Anca Pascu


Vol. 16  No. 1  pp. 62-71


Medical images transmitted through the communication networks needs more robust and reliable algorithms. In this paper, we propose a new medical image watermarking scheme of CT Scan images based on the wavelet transform. The main contribution in this paper lies in the extraction process that improves watermarking scheme robustness and efficiency against several scenarios of attacks. The obtained results are very encouraging, especially when the watermark is invisible. It became very helpful for authenticity and integrity of the DICOM images. Moreover, Our images present a high resistance against several dangerous attacks known in the image processing such as rotation and noise. This means that the proposed approach achieves a remarkable robustness.


Wavelets, Watermarking, Robustness, Attacks, Medical Images.