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A Big Data Hadoop Architecture for Online Analysis.
Suresh Lakavath, Ramlal Naik .L,
Citation |
Vol. 15 No. 11 pp. 58-62
Big Data is a collection of data that is large or complex to process using on-hand database management tools or data processing applications. Big Data has recently become one of the issues important in the networking world. Hadoop is a distributed paradigm used to manipulate the large amount of data. This manipulation contains not only storage as well as processing on the data. Hadoop is normally used for data intensive applications. It actually holds the huge amount of data and upon requirement perform the operations like data analysis, result analysis, data analytics etc. Now a day's almost every online users search for products, services, topics of interest etc. not only in Google and other search engines, but also more importantly on site itself (For example, in ecommerce site, search is the top product finding method used by site visitors).
Hadoop, Big Data, Map Reduce, Facebook,HDFS.