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Segmentation of Blood Vessels in Retinal Images Based on Neural Network (Nn) Scheme of Gray-Level and Moment Invariants-Based Features
P.Sravanthi reddy, P. Swetha
Citation |
Vol. 15 No. 10 pp. 54-57
In this paper presents , segmentation of blood vessels in retinal images based on neural network (NN) scheme of gray-level and moment invariants-based features. In the past, rural based methods are used segment the blood vessels. It has more complexity and less accuracy of blood vessels detection in retinal images. This paper proves better performance in terms of blood vessel detection in stare and retinal images. Its effectiveness and robustness with different image conditions, together with its simplicity and fast implementation, make this blood vessel segmentation proposal suitable for retinal image computer analyses such as automated screening for early diabetic retinopathy detection. The simulation results shows the better blood vessels detections in retinal images
Diabetic retinopathy, moment invariants, retinal imaging, telemedicine, vessels segmentation