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X. 509 and PGP Public Key Infrastructure methods: A critical review
Shahin Fatima, Shish Ahmad, Shadab Siddiqui
Citation |
Vol. 15 No. 5 pp. 55-59
Public Key Infrastructure methods consists of a group of policies, processes, server platforms, software and workstations which is used for the purpose of administering certificates and maintaining pairs of public-private keys. These pair of keys is able to issue, maintain, and revoke public key certificates. The goal of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is to ensure secure, convenient and efficient discovery of public keys. There are various types of PKI that are deployed. This discussion is centred on X.509 certificate, creation of certificate, revocation of certificate, its authentication procedures and PGP certificates. The goal of this analysis is to highlight the differences between both systems and to provide the reasons for their usage
public key infrastructure, X.509 certificate, certificate authority (CA), PGP format, authentication, confidentiality