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A Modified Aodv Protocol to Detect and Prevent The Wormhole: A Hybrid Approach
Neha Sahu, Deepak Singh Tomar, Neelam Pathak
Citation |
Vol. 15 No. 2 pp. 115-118
In MANET mobile node is responsible for route establishment using wireless link where each node behave like both as a host and router. MANET encounter by number of security threat because of its open untrusted environment with little security arrangement, whether security over MANET is not to be enhance up to satisfactory level because of its characteristics. Among all of security threat worm hole is consider to be a very serious security threat over MANET. In worm hole two selfish node which is geographically very far away to each other, makes tunnel between each other to hide their actual location and try to believe that they are true neighbours and makes conversation through the wormhole tunnel. Recently research will focus over wormhole detection and prevention but existing technique having lower network overhead, lower battery power consumption in order to longer survival of network with fast response. In this paper a dynamic wormhole detection and prevention technique AODVWWP has been proposed which is based on an hybrid model that encapsulate location ,neighbour node and hop count method
Adhoc network, wormhole, threshold, AODV