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An Efficient Security Aware Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
K.VinothKumar, A.Rajaram
Citation |
Vol. 14 No. 12 pp. 66-73
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) uses security routing scheme for establishing secure route and securely data transmission. The security issues in MANET are mostly concentrated in two parts. The main security threat in MANET is integrity, non-repudiation and privacy. To combat with these security threats, many secure routing protocols has been designed to reduce the security threats in MANET. In this paper we have proposed Privacy Aware Routing Protocol (ESARP) to enhance the security levels in the routing protocol to prevent the network attacks. The proposed work consists of three parts. In the first part each node perform a key exchange operation with its one and two hop distance neighbours, in the second step, secure route establishment and in the third step, secure data communication is performed. Key exchange operation is done in two steps in the first step, source node (S) exchanges public key (e) with its one hop distance nodes and establish a secret key (SK), and in the second step, source node exchanges public key with its two hop distance nodes and establish a secret key. On establishing the key exchange process node can participate in routing process. In route establishment process, secure route will be established between the sender and receiver. In the third step, sender and receiver will exchange their public key securely and establish a secret key for communication and then data communication is performed
Privacy aware routing, active and passive attacks, integrity, non-repudiation, secret key